I'm really curious about how to do this without it feeling like yet another thing to do, or adding to burn out/ needing it to be perfect. I can't even get started at the moment but just adore seeing this so much.

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Just so you know, I definitely wouldn't have felt capable of doing this when I was burned out - I worried I'd never get back to it again to be honest! But I'm here, and you will be too when you're ready I'm sure :)

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Thank you ❤️ I'd never really associated it with burnout, plus possible neurodivergent burnout. I just always thought I was a bit shit! Reading your work is helping.

On another note, I'm waiting for the books Ambition Monster, and A Year of Doing Nothing to arrive- hoping for insight!

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Zines are so much fun! I love that they're low pressure and that they can be about anything you like. I don't care if no one ever sees them, they feel like a sweet little piece of my brain made tangible.

Thanks for the reminder that they are an option!

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10000%! I love making them out of just an A4 piece of paper about random little topics that mean nothing to anyone else but everything to me.

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I've never made a zine but I would love too... Mine would nclude Seasonal Living in the Southern Hemisphere as I still find that the hardest part of living in Australia. The opposite seasons, Halloween in Spring and Winter in July 🤣

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That'd make a great subject of a zine!!

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